Last Night Sony had a Playstation State of Play video to showcase some of their upcoming titles, and it gave us our first look at what Firewalk Studios has been cooking up. Firewalk Studios were purchase by Sony in 2023 and houses some ex-Bungie crew and this was the first time we got to see gameplay for Concord. Concord was announced just over a year ago as a PvP multiplayer FPS. Now finally, we get to see gameplay, and just what to expect from the upcoming class based shooter.
The reveal has been split in to two trailers, the above gameplay trailer, and another cinematic trailer to give us some sizzle to go along with our steak.
The 5v5 class based shooter genre isn’t exactly craving a new entry, so time will have to be the judge when it comes to Concord’s success, but Firewalk are doing what they can to start on solid footing. The State of Play revealed that we can expect 16 playable characters when the beta goes live in July, before the PS5 and PC release on August 23rd.
What we got to see from the trailer was certainly interesting, with a lot of people making Guardians of the Galaxy comparisons which is no surprise. In Concord you play as a team of Freegunners, a group of guns-for-hire that take the usual assortment of jobs across the galaxy. Fighting against another group of 5, in your standard class shooter assortment of colourful maps. Where Concord is trying something different is in its story cadence. Firewalk plan to release cinematics each week to move the narrative of the game forward and most likely introduce new characters to the fray before the are introduced to the game proper. It sounds like an interesting idea, and hopefully it can help players to build up some bonds with characters in Concord, as having strong fan connections like that are one way to build a good foundational community for your game. Which, given how many bodies of 5v5 Class based shooters lay by the wayside, could hopefully allow Concord to sore amongst the stars, rather than be shuttered like the airplane.