Tag: Interview
BeatBuddy Interview & Gameplay – Rezzed 2013
Take one part puzzle, one part Rayman, shake it to a fantastic beat and this is what you get. Dave talked to Denis at Rezzed about this music powered adventure, what it was like watching all the pieces come together and just how hard it is to explain this game.
Grid 2 – Interview & (Pre-Alpha) Gameplay [Eurogamer 2012]
We manage to get behind the wheel of Grid 2 and take it for a spin, while also taking a Pit-Stop to ask some very important questions about what we can expect from this long awaited sequel!
Paul Wedgewood (Splash Damage) Interview – Rezzed 2012
Dave sits down to talk to Paul Wedgewood from Splash Damage about being an independent developer and their new upcoming game Rad Soliders
RaiderZ Ingame Footage – Rezzed 2012
Dave and Rudiger are back with some ingame footage from Frogster’s upcoming MMO RaiderZ.
Raiderz Interview – Rezzed 2012
Dave sits down to talk to Rudiger about Frogsters new upcoming F2P MMO RaiderZ.
Strike Suit Zero Interview – Rezzed 2012
Fluke meets up with Chris from Born Ready Games to talk about Strike Suit Zero, an upcoming space shooter aiming to fill a void in the heart of the genre’s enthusiasts.
Ghost Recon Online Interview – Rezzed 2012
Dave sits down to talk to Pierre and Juan from Ubisoft about the upcoming FPS Ghost Recon Online. Just what considerations have to be made when you take a franchise like Ghost Recon and make it Free-To-Play?
Shootmania Interview – Rezzed 2012
Dave and Xander down sit with Anne from Nadeo to talk about the upcoming Ubisoft/Nadeo release Shootmania.
Ring Fling Interview – Rezzed 2012
Dave stands this time around to discuss Ring Fling with its creator Moo!
Ring Fling is an iOS based game that features 2 or 4 player modes and looks pretty awesome.