Farcry 3 Gameplay – Eurogamer 2012
Dave and Fluke take a quick look at Far Cry 3 at Eurogamer and it has everything: running monkeys, foolish people going off-road, and wobbly climbing!
Dave and Fluke take a quick look at Far Cry 3 at Eurogamer and it has everything: running monkeys, foolish people going off-road, and wobbly climbing!
Dave and the guys take a look at jiggly punchy Dead or Alive 5. What’s changed, what’s stayed the same and just how much smaller are the outfits? All these questions and more, answered!
Dave interviews Scott Youngblood from Red 5 Studios about upcoming MMO Firefall. They check out the game and discuss the beta and how the studio handled the decision to change the entire game.
Dave gets his hands on A Game of Dwarves, a dungeon building game involving dwarves and gold and other shiny things.
Dave talks to Stan from 11 Bit Studios about the PS3 release of Anomaly: Warzone Earth. They discuss the game and new features present in the PS3 version.
Dave talks to Richard from Gameforge to check out some of the new features heading to RaiderZ, including the Music buff system, Transformation Crystals, PvP and more!
Dave talks to Stan from 11bit at Gamescom to discuss Funky Smugglers, an interesting TSA-esque game, that sees you trying to prevent people from smuggling items through security by hiding them in their afro’s and all manner of other wacky places!
Dave talks to Peter from Crytek to discuss Warface a Free-to-play shooter. How are Crytek approaching the F2P concept and what can exactly can we expect from Warface? Watch and find out!
Dave and Rudiger are back with some ingame footage from Frogster’s upcoming MMO RaiderZ.
Fluke gets his hands on Prison Architect and plays the role of malevolent warden while managing to not get shiv’d… Score one for the Fluke!