Ad Policy:
As of October 2014 we no longer run ads on our site or our videos. The choice to do so came after discussions with not just the guys that work behind the scenes here, but also with some of you, the fans and viewers of our content and at the end of the day, it boils down to one simple statement.
We value you, more than we value ads.
It might look like that was an easy decision to come to, and it wasn’t. LT3 is funded by us, out of our pockets. Flights, travel costs and most of our game reviews are all funded by us, the amount of press copies we actually receive is pretty low (and is also something you will be informed about for every review from this point forward). Not running ads on our YouTube videos, and on the site itself means that you get a clean view of our content, you get no annoyances when trying to watch something we put up.
Conduct at Events:
We attend press events and conventions on a yearly basis, and while doing so we expect all of our staff to hold themselves to a level of decency. This doesn’t mean walking round with sticks in their asses. It means being respectful of those around you be they game devs or average Joe Public. Any member of our team found to be offensive or disrespectful will be immediately released.
While at events we will occasionally receive swag or freebies from companies. The vast majority of these freebies are given away through social media, the Steam group and other such methods. We believe that instead of declining such gifts, giving them away is more in line with what LT3 is about. Certain items like T-shirts are currently awkward to try and give away (running a competition for just those that are XL or M for example) and in these cases we either give them to friends or keep them. The price of our souls is more than a low quality T-shirt, don’t worry.
Any content we create, any freebies, social relationships, attended events or other information we feel needs to be disclosed, will be. As a smaller site after parties and social gatherings can be defined as a necessary evil. It’s a lot easier to have someone reply to your e-mails if they know who you are and like you. If you believe this prevents us from doing our job then you are entitled to your opinion. But just because we’ve cracked jokes with someone at an after party, it doesn’t prevent us from saying their game is bad. The issue arises when you’re unable to do it in a professional way, criticism is needed for growth, but it must be constructive.
And finally:
We cannot choose who our fans are, but we can police them, everyone is awesome and everyone is equal. We would rather have 10,000 fans that get along than 1,000,000 toxic assmuffins. If you’re an assmuffin, we will ban you, squelch you or remove you. Don’t be an assmuffin.